Intuition Academy

Welcome my beautiful friends! I am your host - Kaila Corsiglia ✨ I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery for over ten years. I am a master at experimenting and spent my entire 20’s in a grand experiment, finding what works and what doesn’t work in the realm of self-development, spirituality, law of attraction, manifestation, and other deeper ”woo-woo” topics like channeling, past life regression, subconscious reprogramming, EFT, and so much more. Now, entering my 30’s and after 2 full years within my mentoring business, I feel like I am finally cracking the code. Over the last 4 years, by means of all that I learned through my years of experimenting: - I successfully quit corporate America - I travelled for 6 months full-time along the Pacific Northwest - I moved from Chicago to Washington State where I lived for nearly 2 years - I created an intuitively led business & started mentoring women to be led by their inner being and how to manifest more effectively - I watched in awe as their lives started to change like mine had - As I write this now it is August of 2023 and I am in my villa in Bali, where I have been living for just shy of 1 year - Currently I am expanding my business and writing 2 books that I intend to publish in the next year I made it my life’s mission in my late teens to live an extraordinary life; I carry around a letter I wrote to myself when I was 19 that says just that. 12 years later, I think I’d make that 19 year version of myself very proud. I use this platform to share all of my favorite creation tactics; I consider myself what Abraham Hicks refers to as a ”deliberate creator” and most of my episodes speak on how to become one yourself. I love to simplify techniques that are tried and true, explaining them in ways you may have never heard before, a lot of what I teach is ’manifesting at the expert level” because most of us have been learning this work for so long that we deserve that title. I also love to share my own breakthroughs and areas that I am manifesting within; little tidbits of my story. I’m excited for you to be here and thank you so much for tuning in.

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Tuesday Aug 08, 2023

Hello my beautiful friends, 
On today's episode of Messaging a Friend I am talking about a realization I had about my bucket list; at first glance it seemed like I hadn't accomplished anything on that list but as I dove in deeper I realized I actually had.
I also talk about what my next bucket list item is and how my bucket list looks much different today than it did before I began understanding the law of attraction and manifestation. I hope you enjoy listening as much I enjoyed recording this one!
If you have any questions or want deeper clarity on what I've discussed in this or any previous or future episode, feel free to email me or DM on Instagram, all links are below.
If you desire deeper support on these topics, fill out the work with me questionnaire and I will get back to you in the next 2 business days to setup a free introduction call; I do not list prices because I currently price my services depending on a client's personal feelings of abundance.
Donations are also always appreciated as I continue developing the podcast
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Sunday Aug 06, 2023

Hello my beautiful friends, 
Today we are talking about how to know when you are in the receiving mode. This is a topic I'm really excited to cover because it used to dry my crazy trying to understand this concept when listening to the amazing Abraham Hicks. 
I genuinely thought being in the receiving mode was the same as being in a delusional state, as if I believed I already had what I desired. My understanding now is much more simple.
To put it simply, being in the receiving mode is the same as being able to think good feeling thoughts about something that you do not have yet and being able to maintain that good feeling until the physical manifestation comes. I dig into this way more deeply in the episode, so tune in for more!
If you have any questions or want deeper clarity on what I've discussed in this or any previous or future episode, feel free to email me or DM on Instagram, all links are below.
If you desire deeper support on these topics, fill out the work with me questionnaire and I will get back to you in the next 2 business days to setup a free introduction call; I do not list prices because I currently price my services depending on a client's personal feelings of abundance.
If you feel called, I also have a donation link down below. This is really, deeply appreciated as I continue developing the podcast and writing my books. <3 
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Tuesday Aug 01, 2023

Hello my beautiful friends and welcome back to the second episode of my series Messaging a Friend
I had the most incredible day of flow yesterday, following a feeling of satisfaction, and I felt really inspired to share how the day unfolded as I consciously chose to focus on feelings and thoughts of satisfaction before taking action. It felt like a really good follow up to yesterday's episode - showing it in practice.
To set the scene for the moment where I described me dancing in candle light feeling deeply satisfied, I have listed the songs I was listening to below:
Back to My Ways by John Vincent III (BTW he is coming out with a new album soon after almost 4 years without releasing music; screaming with excitement)
Maine by Noah Kahan (he is my current musical obsession, his lyrical abilities are...just listen and prepare for goose bumps and tears, he also just collaborated with Post Malone who gave a sample on one of his most popular songs SO GOOD, and his new album Stick Season (We'll All Be Here Forever) is scream in your car at the top of your lungs worthy)
The entire Circles album by Mac Miller (truly an incredible stand alone album but even better once you realize this was mostly recorded right before he left this world and was completed and released after his passing)
The cover art for this episode is one of the pictures I was inspired to take while following that feeling of satisfaction
If you have any questions or want deeper clarity on what I've discussed in this or any previous or future episode, feel free to email me or DM on Instagram, all links are below.
If you desire deeper support on these topics, fill out the work with me questionnaire and I will get back to you in the next 2 business days to setup a free introduction call; I do not list prices because I currently price my services depending on a client's personal feelings of abundance.
Donations are also always appreciated as I continue developing the podcast
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Tuesday Aug 01, 2023

In today's episode I talk about a really fun topic - inspired action
Spoiler; you are literally always taking inspired action.
What really matters is whether you are inspired to take action because you believe you have access to what you want, or because you do not believe you have access to what you want 
Tune in for more! 
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Sunday Jul 30, 2023

In today's episode, we are going to be talking about the energetics of relationships and how to stay in alignment while seeking a relationship or being in one; we will also be covering why you may be stuck searching for one or in a place of dissatisfaction within the one that you have. 
In my experience, these are a few common reason why you may feel “stuck” in a place of not having what you want related to relationships: 
You haven’t completed the process of learning what you really want in a relationship just yet 
You haven’t allowed yourself to look at the dissatisfaction in your relationships, current or in the past, long enough to gain clarity on what it is that you really want 
You are stuck in a place of contrast, feeling like what you want isn’t accessible 
The key point to remember from this episode; we are all seeking satisfaction in our relationships and until we get that, we are going to be faced with contrast because contrast helps us clarify what it is that we really want. We have to be able to be honest with ourselves when we are dissatisfied and dig deep to understand what we actually want instead, then we have to get to a place of believing that we can have this new desire and live in the world knowing that.
I give a few key examples on how I did this in my own life as I have spent many years fine tuning my desires for a relationship, some desire being a little less common which is also what could happen for you on this journey of fine-tuning as well. 
As always, I like to let everyone know that this has been my experience with my own desires that are unique to me. I am by no means saying this is the end all be all that every once needs to believe or practice. If none of what I share resonates, then no hard feelings! The solution you seek is out there and I appreciate you listening nonetheless. 
If you have any questions or want deeper clarity on what I've discussed in this or any previous or future episode, feel free to email me or DM on Instagram, all links are below.
If you desire deeper support on these topics, fill out the work with me questionnaire below and I will get back to you in the next 2 business days to setup a free call.  
Donations are also always appreciated as I continue developing the podcast! 
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Sunday Jul 23, 2023

Hello my beautiful friends, 
This episode to begin focuses on a fallacy that so many of us fall into when it comes to the work that we perform and it's correlation with the money that we earn. 
Today I want to bust that fallacy and talk about money as a standalone topic, more specifically I want to talk about money as a vibration. 
Most of us, when we're really honest with ourselves, are already vibrating at an energy that feels like success when we look at the work that we are performing, with maybe some light resistances - but the true resistance seems to be on the topic of money as a whole, as a standalone topic, and help separate from the work itself.
This episode is for you if the topic of money sets your teeth on edge immediately as it arises, in whatever way you are talking about it, thinking about it, or taking action on it. That feeling is your dominant vibration and what you are attracting more of as a result on the topic of money. 
In this episode we are deep diving into the topics of work, money, and success, finding deeper clarity and finding the real "problem" - hint, it's most likely not the amount of work that you are doing. 
If you have any questions or want deeper clarity on what I've discussed in this or any previous or future episode, feel free to email me or DM on Instagram, all links are below.
If you desire deeper support on these topics, fill out the work with me questionnaire below and I will get back to you in the next 2 business days to setup a free call.  
Donations are also always appreciated as I continue developing the podcast! 
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Wednesday Jul 19, 2023

Hello my beautiful friends and welcome to a new series I am calling Messaging a Friend.
One of my favorite things to do is to send voice notes to my friends in my friend group who are aligned with the beliefs system that I hold in relation to manifestation and spirituality. I thought it would be fun to record occasional episodes, on Thursdays, in the same sort of format as I would while messaging a friend about the same topics.
It's rough, it's raw, it's based on the flow I'm experiencing on the topic in current time, and I hope it brings as much joy and inspiration to each of you as it brings my friends and myself. 
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Sunday Jul 16, 2023

Hello beautiful friends!
I'm so excited to talk about today's topic - manifesting and law of attraction at the expert level. This is a topic near and dear to my heart as a long term listener to those coaches who are what Abraham Hicks would call "at the leading edge" of this work. 
As a simple break down, here are the steps that make this work the most easily understandable to me and my hope that it helps you understand it more deeply as well. Listen to the entire episode for the breakdown of what each step truly entails, from my perspective. 
Allow yourself to let joy, in its purest form, be your intent or goal post that you are reaching for each and every day. Joy for joy’s sake 
Allow yourself to experience each day as they naturally unfold; go to work, spend time with your kids, go to the park, just do what you would typically do. But while you are experiencing your day allow yourself to be aware of any contrast that arises. There is no need to wake up and visualize the thing you’re trying to manifest, or affirm to yourself that it’s done. Just naturally move through the day 
Allow contrast to naturally occur throughout your day; meaning notice the thoughts, notice the circumstances, and notice the interactions that all cause you to separate from that natural joy that you committed to experiencing that day 
Allow yourself to fixate on the contrast only as long as it takes to gain clarity on what your desire is in that moment. Then shift your perspective to the desire and fixate there until you feel a vibrational shift in the body; meaning you feel better than you did when the contrast presented itself to you 
Once you have shifted the energy on the topic, move back into your day fixating on joy for joy’s sake 
Continue doing this all day every day.
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Spiritual Bypassing Pt. 2

Sunday Jul 09, 2023

Sunday Jul 09, 2023

Welcome back my beautiful friends!
Please remember to follow, share, leave me a review, or even send me a small donation if that feels aligning; all info can be found in the shownotes. 
If you haven’t listened to last week's episode I would suggest going back and starting there.
As a quick recap, last week I had talked about a commonly overlooked variation of spiritual bypassing which takes place entirely within our own psyche, which I referred to as the misinterpretation of surrender;
When we spiritually bypass in this way we typically find ourselves in a situation where we want something, we aren’t seeing results, and we take that as a sign from the universe that we need to just let it go. 
Surrender, however, is what comes after we discover a new desire, and it comes again every time we become aware that we haven’t received it yet, and we repeat this process until we find ourselves with a solution 
Rather than using surrender as a means to tap into deeper belief, we use it as a means to hammer into the belief that we cannot have what we want, and we point the finger directly at the universe. 
We create entire narratives about the universe’s intentions, and the universe is back there like “uh I never said that." 
We put all this weight on the universe, and we use that weight as means to bypass reality, bypass what is actually working for us, while also bypassing what isn’t, and we unknowingly cut ourselves off from receiving what we asked for in the first place.
Do you see how this focuses on the lack of solution, the problem, rather than being open to receiving the solution? 
So typically in these situations we get so frustrated that we convince ourselves that we do not want our desire anymore and we use the universe as the excuse for why we can’t have it.
We say things like “I’m going to completely surrender and if it happens then it was meant for me, if it doesn’t happen or doesn’t come easily then that’s the universe telling me it’s not meant for me.” 
But desire doesn’t cease to exist just because it hasn’t been received in our physical reality yet. 
Surrender doesn’t mean, do nothing; it means allow your desire to exist and let go of needing to know how it will be received until you receive inspiration to take action. 
1st comes a desire, we want something, typically as it’s born out of contrast.
2nd we surrender to how we will receive it, but we trust that the universe will guide us there because the universe is already holding us there. All we need to do in this step is allow ourselves to want what we want and let go of needing to know how we will get it. 
3rd, we allow the doors to open to inspired potential, inspired thought, synchronicities, and action steps that will eventually lead us there. 
Layer surrender on top of desires, then layer action on top of desire and surrender, and finally continue layering desire, surrender, action, desire, surrender, action, until you end up with exactly what you’ve been asking for. 
I hope you found this helpful, if you have any questions feel free to message me on instagram or send me an email and if you’re interested in working with me you can do the same. Thank you so much for tuning in! 
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Spiritual Bypassing Pt. 1

Sunday Jul 02, 2023

Sunday Jul 02, 2023

Why do I call this spiritual bypassing? 
I call this spiritual bypassing because desires are valid, 100% of the time, in my perspective. We are fucking human beings, if we wanted to want nothing and to live in complete surrender and to not ask for things, we wouldn’t have incarnated into human bodies that want things and have preferences. What would the point have been? Even Eckhart Tolle decided after being in almost complete surrender for years, living mostly on park benches in complete bliss, woke up one day and was like “hm, maybe I should go join society again.” 
Because we aren’t meant to live entirely in surrender without a single desire. 
This is like, the inception of spiritual bypassing because really the only person it’s affecting is yourself. It’s all happening internally and we don’t realize that it has potential to have huge impact on our external reality. 
When we say something like “I just need to surrender and stop wanting this thing at all.” Or we use spirituality as an excuse for why we don’t have it yet, we are basically invalidating our own desires. It’s one thing to say “I lived, I learned, I realized through lived experience that I don’t actually want that thing.” But to sit around and act like you don’t want something because the universe is sending you a direct message that says “this thing isn’t meant for you" is, in my opinion, not rooted in reality. 
If the universe is rooted in complete non judgment, unbiased opinion, unconditional love, and has no desire to put a hand in impacting our freewill, then the universe is never trying to tell us something isn’t meant for us because that would require judgment. 
In my own life I realized recently that I have been running my business for the past couple years now rooted within a lot of spiritual bypassing. I wanted to completely surrender my business, which looking back I can see meant that I basically wanted to do nothing and have it all delivered to me on a silver platter. & in doing so I ignored the parts of my business and my habits, that weren’t serving it positively. I had to stop believing that the universe wasn’t supporting my actions or the work I’d been led to do in the first place. 
Once I admitted that I was spiritually bypassing by attempting to stay in complete surrender with little to no action, I could admit that I was actually leading my business to a potentially dangerous place. 
& if you’d like to know what to do if you recognize this within yourself, I will be back with a part two next week because I don’t want to leave you all hanging with a problem and no solution. 
I record episodes every Monday here in Bali. 
If you’re interested in working with me you can email me or DM with the links below
If you want to chat about something you heard in the episode feel free to DM me or email me 
If you want to donate to the podcast you can follow my Paypal link 
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Kaila Corsiglia

Hi, thank you so much for being here. My name is Kaila and I am the host of this podcast Intuition Academy. I am a content creator and manifestation mentor living in beautiful Ubud, Bali, Indonesia. In the summer of 2017 I started listening to the guidance of my Inner Voice, thanks to my silent mentor Jess Lively and her podcast called The Lively Show. 

Very quickly after learning how to hear my inner voice I felt compelled to follow it's (most) every direction, and it turned my life completely upside down. I went from living a cushy and unfulfilling life as a graduate student, working behind a desk, in bum-fuck Indiana, to an entrepreneur who's been traveling full-time for almost 3 years now. 

I've settled down along the way for a few months at a time in places like Oregon, Montana, Washington, and most recently I've found myself guided to stay in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia and have been here since August of 2022. 

This podcast is a space where I dump things, usually in a very sloppy and erratic way, but which inspire me so deeply that I just have to share with whoever will listen. It's raw, it's vulnerable, it's about as real as it gets. I like to show people that living in flow isn't all rainbows and butterflies, but it also mostly is. 

Follow me along on my journey and if you'd like to see what I'm up to, in the flesh, follow me on Instagram @kailacorsiglia

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